National Black Council of Elders | NBCOE Event Press Release 4/2/2017

National Black Council of Elders | NBCOE Event Press Release   4/2/2017
Email:    Link:   Phone:(310) 567-9807  
Friday, March 31, 2017 at 8 PM CST the newly formed National Black Council of Elders conducted its first virtual National Enstoolment Ceremony.  Roughly, 30 attendees witnessed or engaged in this momentous occasion for African American Communities nationwide.  
The ceremony began to the rhythmic vibrant beat of African Drum Calls.  The Queen Mother Wakeelah Martinez, of the Chartered Wichita, Kansas Council of Elders gave ceremonial directions for the deputies and words of wisdom. The prospective Deputies (20 Elders and 4 Emissaries) repeated their pledges to leadership positions in the National African American Community as they function in Ministry.

*Initiate Elders pledge to not only provide leadership for the African American community, but also, to lead by Spiritual example, and to promote African Values and Ethics as a means of establishing social order, harmony, balance and justice.  Based on these values which derive from Ma’at and Nguzo Saba, policies will be formulated in a comprehensive manner, but from multidimensional perspectives which are reflected in the 21 Ministries of NBCOE.  The resulting policies, programs, projects and solutions designed will:

1.  Encourage new and expanded Industry Building, e.g., Fashion, Sustainable Development, Health Care Delivery, Collective Concern (for elderly, disabled, orphaned, abused and foster children) and Crisis Preparedness.

2.  Institution Building - including a Pan African and Local Council Of Elders; National African American Congress (an Official policy making body); National Black Assembly (organizing body representing each sector of our National Community); National Rights of Passage; Diasporan Commonwealth; Banking Network, Agricultural and Food Distribution Network; Agricultural and Food Distribution Network etc.  The Elders Enstooled/Deputized on this occasion represent a larger number to be Enstooled over the coming weeks.
Also given the Pledge were Emissaries who will head up a number of projects and official Ministries of NBCOE.


Queen Mother Wakeelah - Wichita, KS
President Senghor Baye | UNIA -  Wash. DC
Universal Negro Improvement Association
(Marcus Garvey Organization)
Min. John Henry - SC
Queen Mother Leona Abdulla - CO
Queen Mother Amina Thomas - ATL
Pres. Elder Terrell - Wichita, KS
Queen Mother Francesca Abbey - MA
Rev.  Joann Watson - Detroit
Dr. Akil Khalfani - Newark, NJ
Bro. Heru Ammen - Charlotte, NC
Queen Mother Kelly Kelly - DC
Bro. Yonah El - ATL
Bro. Ernest Dillihay - LA
Queen Mother Bee Hall - LA
Mwalimu W. Kabaila - LA
Bro. Isreal - NC
Queen Mother Rehema Nkisi - DC
Sis. Joann Farmer - KC, MO (p)
Dr. Ron Jones - NY
Hershel Daniels - Cincinnati, OH
Queen Mother LilyBell Simpson - SC


Sis. Veronica Woolfolk - STL
NBCOE | Chief Executive Emissary of Communication
Minister of Public Relations and Affairs

Sis. Phoenicia Hudson - LA
NBCOE | Communications, Membership

Sis. Kali Ma’at - CA
NBCOE | Women and  Health

Timothy McClure - San Diego
NBCOE |At large

Dr. Alannah Estar
Emissary of Health, Education, Women, and Spirituality

The ceremony ended with more sacred drum rhythms and dance.  Prayers from Dr. Akil Khalfani, a Yoruba Priest, and a reading from the Kemetic Sacred Text, the Husia, with a verse from the Book of Ptahhotep,  one of the oldest recorded Sacred Texts , concluded the event.


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